Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Staying the Course

Excellent insights, my friend, and I fear that in the 5 minutes of Internet time I have remaining before this conks out and I am off to Zurich do not give me the time to answer properly. But as to the last question, the strategy must be what it always was since the moment Dean stepped up to the plate in March 2003 (arguably earlier) - in perhaps the most important election of our time, the choice is not about the replacement, it is in the REPLACING. Nader could talk in 2000 about voting FOR candidates, but that talk is bunk in an environment where Cheney and the boys treat moderates (and any who disagree) as sissys. The US is headed toward catastrophe on every conceivable front, so make the choice about the need to change regimes at home and then we can worry about Kerry`s faults. Andrew Sullivan recently called this election "the irresolute vs. the incompetent". Make that the story arc, and who would you vote for?


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