Friday, October 15, 2004

Gone "left"?

I just want to make it clear that switching sides from Bush to Kerry is not an easy decision, and is the culmination of nearly four years of agonizing thought and, often, cognitive dissonance. All the while I feel like I've stayed the same, even since 9/11, while the world has gone mad around me. And at times like this, it's nice to know that there are others just like me. Once again, nobody says it better than Andrew Sullivan.

Lots of you have written to say I've gone "left." If being left means balancing the budget, winning a well-planned war in Iraq, fighting Islamo-fascism, cutting spending, reforming entitlements, keeping taxes low, defending states' rights, defending the drug companies, increasing military strength and bringing marriage into the gay community, then I guess I'm a lefty. On the Cheney thing, as on all these issues, my position is the same now as it was four years ago.

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