Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Optimism from Dublin

Spent the weekend on the Emerald Isle cheering on my mother and Jill Leblanc in the running of the 25th annual Dublin marathon. What an event, and what a city. Over 10,000 runners from 60+ countries, and watching wave after wave at the finish line made you proud to be a human being. On the political front, today's international papers have some healthy looking photos of Kerry campaigning with the Big Dog, and I have to say that the "comeback" narrative is building up appropriate steam. Clinton's heart troubles may actually turn out to play well for the campaign, since it buys a day or two of free coverage at the optimal time, and plays right into the story of "whatever sacrifices it takes to take out Bush and get our country on the right track". Stories like that, and the New Yorker set to make its first Presidential endorsement in its 80 year history, and you can feel the momentum building a continent away. The situation for Kerry now seems ideal, just where he wants to be with Nader reduced to a virtual non-factor, Bush under the critical 50% barrier, and a race still so close that all those new voters will feel like it matters. Since recovering the House or Senate is unlikely this time around (though the Senate does offer some tantalizing possibilities), people are rightfully realizing just what is at stake. In the longest election cycle in Presidential history, the arguments have all been made and it is just a matter of sprinting those final few kilometers to the finish. I am optimistic that Kerry may (finally) be closing the deal. Have you ever seen crowds for political events that Kerry is drawing? So - enjoy the phonecalls, the door knocking, the cheap campaign grub, and the frenetic pace in the hours ahead. It is coming down to the wire... Kerry's people know what they are doing and have finally recovered from the malaise of August. Make not mistake, this will be a tough fight that is likely to extend into recounts, but I like the chances of a Democratic victory. As Picard would say, "Make it so." ˇ


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