Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Lambert's Frozen Tundra

One more quick one and then I am going quiet for a few days, as Gongshow Gartner arrives in Munchen in a few hours and the gardens beckon. John Kerry is certainly no man of the people, but what can you say about this gaffe, except to shake your head and wonder. How can you get something like this wrong and expect to win? It is a shame that the quest for the Presidency runs directly through party primaries that favour big money and establishment candidates, and so we continue to get contests between subpar individuals thoroughly disconnected from the people who make up the country. That is conversation for January, however, and for now we will have to dance with the one that we (read:others) brought to this dance. I link to this article mainly for the more interesting trivia tidbit in the last paragraph. As a New York Giants fan, I would be cheering for the Packers over the Redskins that week anyway. Hilariously, and sweetly appropriate, at this point in the season I would say that the odds are probably even, slightly favoring the home side. I wonder who Brett Favre is voting for?


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