Thursday, October 28, 2004

Just Not A Good President

Chris Suellentrop's endorsement for Kerry from Slate (scroll to the update) is one I absolutely agree with, in the final analysis - even if it might be closer to the Cooper reason for flouting old Yalie ties. There are certainly times when just watching Bush speak can get me visibly irate. And even if I have said it over drunken exchanges in the Hofbrau House or the Generator Bar or some pizza place in Concord, I don't really "HATE" Bush - though I do sometimes feel this gut-wrenching frustration with his smirking and unbearable inability to see the errors of his ways. But this, I hope, remains a classic summary of my recurring thoughts on why Bush will ultimately lose this election. And if you were to appeal to my better angels, it is why I hope so fervently for Bush's defeat:

... This is a one-issue election for me. I don't hate President Bush. I think he's well-intentioned and a good man. He's just not a good president.

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