Tuesday, November 09, 2004


One more quick one. Today David Frum says this in his commentary about the Fallujah offensive:

"What is to come we cannot know. But we can know this: Fully aware of the stakes, American voters massively rejected the candidate who promised to put an end to battles like Fallujah--and massively voted in the candidate who pledged to do whatever was necessary to win these battles." (emphasis added)
Is he referring to the same election that I watched last Tuesday? 51% to 48% - the result contingent overnight on the results in Ohio - is "massive"? Even putting aside the fact that he is horribly mischaracterizing the nature of the choice the voters faced, as Andrew Sullivan notes, what absurd dictionary is he using? This just in - on the weekend, Mr. Frum caught a "massive" number of "massive" salmon. And (okay, we understand the point... just don't go there -ed.)


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