Sunday, October 31, 2004

"Remember the Red Sox"

An extremely fine column by David Broder in the Post today on the joy of covering an actual election "race" and why democracies need these true contests. Say this for the blogosphere, it certainly is far better equipped to educate political junkies on the intricacies of the House and Senate races that matter. The influence in terms of funds, free advice, resources, and simple encouragement has helped draw my attention to small, longshot challenges such as Morrison in TX-22 and Seemann in OH-16. Indeed, forcing Delay to campaign is healthy. Broder signs off with this:

A closing personal thought: Emotions are running high about this presidential choice. Take a moment, before you vote, to remind yourself that this republic has weathered worse storms and, thanks to the Constitution, has never failed to recover its bearings and adhere to its principles. Resolve not to let the defeat of your favorite candidate shatter your faith in America or turn you away from politics. There will be another day. Remember the Red Sox.
Wise words that I will take to heart throughout the early morning hours of November 3rd as I hope so fervently for the defeat of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and co.

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